Cross Training Review

Cross Training Review

Team A

  1. Generate two random numbers between 1 to 100 to correlate to a column and row, respectively.
  2. Find that cell. If it is a blank cell, reroll the numbers until a cell with a fill or border is picked.
  3. If there is a color fill, all cells with that fill will be refilled with a desaturated version of their original color; where these cells meet cells with a different color or colorless fill, a thick border in the cells original color will be added.
  4. If there is an existing continuous, solid border on a cell, those borders do not get overwritten.
  5. If there is a dashed/non-continuous border, it will be overwritten by the new border.
  6. If there is no fill, but there is a border, all cells with the same color are filled with a desaturated version of it’s border color.

Team B

  1. Generate 20 random numbers, selected from 1 to 100
  2. If the number is prime, that respective row will have its colors inverted
  3. If the number is composite, that number will be broken down to its least common multiple (ex. 2 from 44, 3 from 27, 5 from 25…) and shifted left or right, that amount of spaces

Team C

  1. Go by 3’s for each row
  2. Pick 3 rows in a rows
  3. Then Skip 3 rows
  4. Select each color on the 3 rows being changed and change it based on the fill color tap
  5. Select the fill color tab and see where the current color of the cell is marked. Move over by the 3 from where that color is marked
  6. On composition G we changed the thickness of the border every other row

Team D

  1. Generate random column number
  2. Generate random row number
  3. Open the composition
  4. Find intersection of column and row number
  5. Find the complementary color of the intersected cells background color
  6. Select cells with identical backgrounds as intersected cell
  7. Change all selected cells background to complementary color

Team E

Team F

Team G

Use a random number generator to select 1-3 to choose which of the three processes to undertake
  1. Transposing column to row 
  1. Random number generator - how many times do we do this process? 3-10
  2. Randomly select number 1-97 - copy 3 cells wide and 100 rows tall (full height of composition) starting with that number) - copy
  3. To paste, go to row of same number and “paste transposed
  4. Repeat process as many times as required from step 1. Every time, increase the width of the column selected by 1 cell.
  1. Grid of squares (how many squares 2-6)
  1. Select number 2-6 from random number generator
  2. Draw grid using outlines
  3. Divided composition into a grid of squares with that number of rows and column
  4. Transpose each square off the larger grid within itself
  5. Leave outlines how ever they are created, or delete
  1. Nested transpositions (how many pixels per transposition 3-8)
  1. Ask random number generator for a number 3-8, that selects number of pixels.
  2. Then count inward from 100 to select a square of the composition, and paste transposed.
  3. Count inward again (using the same number) and transpose that
  4. Continue until you reach the center of the square.

Team H

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